PSL190H1S - Biomedical Research at the Cutting Edge
PSL201Y1Y - Basic Human Physiology
PSL280H1F - Introduction to Physiologic Adaptations of Marine Mammals
PSL299Y1Y - Research Opportunity Program
PSL300H1F - Human Physiology I
PSL301H1S - Human Physiology II
PSL304H1F - Topics in Cellular, Molecular and Organismic Physiology I
PSL305H1S - Topics in Cellular, Molecular and Organismic Physiology II
PSL310H1S - Clinical Reasoning - will not be offered in 2024-2025
PSL350H1S - Mammalian Molecular Biology
PSL372H1F - Mammalian Physiology Laboratory
PSL374H1S - Advanced Physiology Laboratory
PSL378H1S - Field Physiology: Marine Mammal Autopsy
PSL379H1F - Comparative Marine Mammal in the Field (Virtual)
PSL399Y1Y - Research Opportunity Program
PSL404H1F - Regenerative Medicine
PSL420H1F - Reproduction I: Development and Function
PSL421H1S - Reproduction II: Pregnancy and Birth
PSL424H1S - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Endocrine Disorders ***Not Offered 2024-2025**
PSL425H1F - Integrative Metabolism and its Endocrine Regulation
PSL432H1S - Theoretical Physiology
PSL440Y1Y - Neuroscience: Systems and Behaviour
PSL445H1F - Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular (previously PSL444Y1Y)
PSL446H1S - Neural Disorders (previously PSL444Y1Y)
PSL450H1F - Mechanisms of Neural and Endocrinal Secretion
PSL452H1F - Membrane Physiology
PSL462H1S - Molecular Aspects of Cardiovascular Function
PSL470H1S - Cardiovascular Physiology
PSL472H1S - Sleep Physiology and Chronobiology
PSL480H1F - Diving Physiology and Marine Mammals ***Not Offered 2025-2026**
PSL496Y1Y - Translational Physiology Research Project ***Not Offered 2024-2025**
PSL497H1F - Translational Physiology Research Project ***Not Offered 2024-2025**
PSL498Y1Y - Project in Physiology
PSL499H1F/S - Project in Physiology