Tuesday 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and Thursday 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Coordinator: Dr. Michelle French
Prerequisites: PSL300H, PSL301H / PSL302Y
Description: Regenerative medicine promises to restore body function that has been lost due to disease, damage or age. Students will explore selected molecular, stem cell and tissue engineering developments in regenerative medicine to better understand how the body normally functions and how cells, tissues, and organs can be repaired or replaced.
Evaluation: Tutorials and in-class work (20%); Assignments (2, 20% total); Mid-term exam (25%); Cumulative final exam (35%)
Text: Assigned articles (mainly from scientific journals)
Format: Lectures and in-class discussion (i.e. tutorials)
Content: Students will gain a greater appreciation of human physiology by examining what happens in the body when cell, tissue and organ function is lost, and how function can be restored by regenerative medicine. Topics will include molecular, stem cell and tissue engineering approaches for the treatment of endocrine and neural disorders, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The ethics of the use of these novel treatments will also be examined, along with the potential societal impact. Students will be introduced to topics via lectures, and will then explore the topic in greater detail by gathering together in small groups in tutorials to discuss and answer questions based on readings. Guest lecturers and assignments will provide students with additional insights and a real-world perspective.
'AE' indicator courses require approval by the department. You should request AE courses on the SWS (ROSI) during your enrolment period - you will receive an "interim" status. The department reviews the interim list and determines which students qualify. For approval, the Department will consider your subject post, cGPA, GPA, courses, and pre-requisites. By August 2nd your status in the course on SWS: will be either APP (approved) or REF (refused). If your status remains INT (interim), the department has not yet approved your enrolment. If you are approved no further action is required. If you wish to enrol in the course or be placed on our waiting list after July 28, please send an email to physiology.undergrad@utoronto.ca with your request (please include your student number).