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Graduate Courses
Courses should be selected in consultation with the supervisor and/or supervisory committee. Currently, the Department of Physiology offers 24 Graduate-only Courses and 11 Joint Graduate-Undergraduate Courses. Therefore, it is expected that all students will have abundant choices from within the Department over the term of their degree. Since students registered will ultimately receive a degree in Physiology, it is important to get optimal exposure to courses based in this field and discipline.
Course (PSL1000H/PSL2000H) and research activity (RST9999Y) are required and preloaded to students' records in the PSL program. Other Physiology courses may be requested/added through ACORN.
Courses taken in other departments may be counted towards a degree, but only upon approval of the Graduate Coordinator and with no other appropriate courses available in the Department of Physiology. A Course Permission Form with full explanation must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office before enrolling.
Students are responsible for their course enrollment status at all times.