International Exchange in Developmental and Perinatal Biology

In Collaboration with Sweden's Karolinska Institute

students in front of pretty buildings in Stockholm

Since 1996, the University of Toronto and the Karolinska Institute near Stockholm, Sweden, have offered this unique research exchange focused on perinatal and developmental biology. The location of the exchange alternates from year to year between the two institutions.

The course has been developed to provide a broad-based interdisciplinary training for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, clinical fellows and residents in the area of developmental biology from both basic science and clinical perspectives. The workshop combines a lecture/seminar program with an active research component.The course is open and without cost for all trainees (Graduate students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Residents and Clinical Fellows) at The University of Toronto each year. The course is also offered as a component of a Graduate course (PSL1080H) in the Department of Physiology.

photo of students and instructors discussing a poster presentation

The course annually combines cutting edge lectures, seminars and practical sessions in the areas of:

  •  Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

  •  Pregnancy & Birth

  •  Developmental Neurobiology

  •  Cardiovascular Development

  •  Pulmonary Development

  •  Developmental Origins of Health & Disease

Photo of students at Niagara Falls during Exchange

In addition to the scientific component of the exchange, social events provide an opportunity for students to network and enjoy themselves, whether in their home town or abroad. When hosted in Toronto, the exchange's social events have included a trip to Niagara Falls, a Toronto Bluejays game, picnicking on Toronto Island, and more.

For more information on this year's exchange and how to apply, click here.