PSL1020H - Current Topics in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Course Coordinator: T. Brown
This graduate student only seminar style course will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of physiology related to major clinically relevant pathologies and topics in human reproduction. The course will consist of discussion of emerging topics in regulation of reproductive hormone activity and male and female reproductive physiology and will bring together clinical and research aspects of the topics. The majority of the course will focus on infertility. Topics in pregnancy and parturition will not be included (as these are the focus of PSL1421H). The course consists of 13 two-hour meetings, 12 of which will involve student presentations of recent and impactful research articles. Depending on enrollment, students will be divided into groups of three, with each group responsible for presentation of assigned core papers and papers of their choosing.
General Course Topics:
Regulation of Steroid Hormone Activity
Sexual Differentiation/Sex Determination
Sperm Parameters Affecting Function
Male Factor Infertility
Polycystic Ovarian Insufficiency
Preimplantation Embryo Development
Reproductive Tract Cancers
Emerging IVF Technologies
40% - Presentations (4-6 depending on class enrollment) 20% - Seminar participation: will be based on a brief assessment of each of the presentations/presenters (completion of a form) and active participation in the discussions surrounding the topics. For each session, Dr. Brown, will complete an assessment of participation for each student incorporating quality and quantity of contributions. 5% - Essay outline 35% - Final Essay: an in-depth review paper (15-20 pages) on a relevant topic (may include a topic not directly covered by the curriculum).
Special Notes:
PSL1020H students are encouraged to attend PSL420H lectures if they feel it will enhance their understanding of the material or their learning experience. PSL420H is a didactic style course offered to undergraduate students and covers basic principles in reproduction.
Minimum course enrollment: 6 students Maximum course enrollment: 18 students