Michelle French

Degrees: M.Sc. 1986, Ph.D. 1991
Courses Taught: PSL190H (organizer), PSL201Y (organizer), PSL300H, PSL301H (organizer), PSL404H (organizer)
Research Synopsis
Keywords: Pedagogy, teaching, learning
Within the Department of Physiology:
Nohjin Kee
Outside of the Department of Physiology:
Melody Neumann Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Canada
Franco Taverna Human Biology, University of Toronto, Canada
Lena Paulo Kushnir/ Office of the Dean/Teaching Technology Support/University of Toronto
Recent Publications
Kajiura L, Smit J, Montpetit C, Kelly T, Waugh J, Rawle F, Clark J, Neumann M and French M. (2014) Knowledge mobilization across boundaries with the use of novel organizational structures, conferencing strategies, and technological tools: The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) Model. Collected Essays on Teaching and Learning 7(1) (http://celt.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/CELT/article/view/3990/3252).
French, M (2014) Student oral presentations: how to engage ALL students in the class. 9th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Planning for change: responding to change, University of Toronto, November 3, 2014.
French, M (2014) Developing freshman research skills and an appreciation of the scientific method via a research-based seminar course. American Physiological Society Institute on Teaching and Learning Conference, Bar Harbor, Maine, June 23-27, 2014.
Taverna, F, French, M, Neumann, M, Paulo Kushnir, L, Harlow, J, Harrison, D, Bank, C, Browning, C, Kutas, C, Serbanescu, RM and Ing K (2014) Student textbook use in the sciences – How do they read and does it matter? Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, June 17-20, 2014.
French M and Kee N (2013) Lessons learned from the development and evaluation of integrative animations in physiology. 12th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2013), Sophia Antipolis, France, October 30-31, 2013.
French M (2013) Using real-life mini cases to explore key physiological principles in lectures. 14th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, Buffalo, New York, September 20-21, 2013.
Kajiura L, Smit J, Montpetit C, Kelly T, French, M, and Haffie T (2013) Inter-Institutional Knowledge Mobilization: The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators Model. 2013 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 2013.