Mark Friedberg

Research Synopsis
Detailed Description: Our lab investigates the physiologic and molecular responses, in particular myocardial fibrosis in the right and left ventricles in response to right ventricular pressure loading and pulmonary hypertension.
Keywords: myocardial fibrosis, ventricular interactions, pressure loading, pulmonary hypertension, echocardiography
Collaborators: Drs. Kim Connelly, Wolfgang Kuebler, Jason Maynes, Scott Heximer, Andras Kapus
Animal models for right ventricular pressure loading and pulmonary hypertension. Cell cultures, molecular signaling pathways, western blotting
Rodent echocardiography, conductance catheter, pressure volume tube of hemodynamics, flexcell stretch culture apparatus, hypoxia chambers
Recent Publications
Collaborator. Lumens J, Fan Cs, Walmsley J, Yim D, Manlhiot C, Dragulescu A, Grosse-Wortmann L, Mertens L, Prinzen FW, Delhaas T, Friedberg MK. Relative impact of right ventricular electro-mechanical dyssynchrony versus pulmonary regurgitation on right ventricular dysfunction and exercise intolerance in patients after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Journal of the American Heart Association. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2019 Jan; 8(2):e010903
Senior Responsible Author. Yim D, Hui W, Larios G, Dragulescu A, Grosse-Wortmann L, Bijnens B, Mertens L, Friedberg MK. Quantification of Right Ventricular Electromechanical Dyssynchrony in Relation to Right Ventricular Function and Clinical Outcomes in Children with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 2018 July; 31(7): 822-830.
Co-Author. Traister A, Patel R, Huang A, Patel S, Plakhotnik J, Lee J, Gonzalez Medina M, Welsh C, Ruparel P, Friedberg MK, Maynes J, Coles, J. Cardiac regenerative capacity is age- and disease-dependent in childhood heart disease. PLoS One. 2018 July; 13(7): e0200342. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200342.
Senior Responsible Author. Son JS, James A, Fan S, Mertens L, McCrindle B, Manlhiot C, Friedberg MK. Prognostic value of serial echocardiography in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging. 2018 July; 11(7) e006983. doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.117.006983
Principle Author. Friedberg MK. Imaging Right-Left Ventricular Interactions. Journal of American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging. 2018 May; 11(5):755-771. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2018.01.028. Review
Cross-Appointed to Physiology
Primary Department: Pediatrics
Staff Cardiologist, Labatt Family Heart Centre, Division of Cardiology, Hospital for Sick Children
Senior Associate Scientist, SickKids Research Institute
Professor, Department of Pediatrics