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- Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
The PhD degree is an advanced research degree. Upon its completion, graduates are expected to function as independent research scientists. Students will complete course work, attend and give multiple presentations of scientific work, and demonstrate the ability to carry out research of publishable quality as evidenced by a written thesis based on original research and an oral defense of the work. Through this program, students will broaden and deepen their knowledge of physiology and its current scientific literature, and they will develop and practise scientific skills of critical thinking, devising research questions, understanding experimental design, techniques, and analysis, and communicating scientific ideas orally and in writing.
Program Requirements
PhD (Following completion of a MSc)
- All students are required to take 2.5 full-credit equivalents (FCEs) in Physiology courses, in which an average standing of at least A- is maintained, with the following guidelines:
- 0.5 FCE in PSL2000H PhD Seminars in Physiology (Credit/No Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 0.5 FCE in Physiology graduate-only courses
- 0.5 FCE in PSL1066H Research Grant Proposal (Credit/no Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 1.0 FCE with a choice of (i) a Physiology graduate-only course or Physiology joint graduate-undergraduate course (preferable option), or (ii) a course taken in another department (rare choice)**.
** Courses taken in other departments may be counted towards a degree, but only upon approval of the Graduate Coordinator and with no other appropriate courses available in the Department of Physiology. A Course Permission Form with full explanation must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office.
- Up to 1.0 FCE can be claimed from the student's MSc program completed in another department or university, subject to approval by the Graduate Studies Committee.
- Courses are selected in consultation with the supervisor and/or supervisory committee.
- Attend and contribute to the departmental seminar program, which is an important part of graduate education and a requirement of the program.
- The recommended completion time for the doctoral program is approximately four years, by which time the candidate will write and defend a research thesis, first before a departmental committee and subsequently before a committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
PhD (Tranfer)
- All students are required to take 2.5 full-credit equivalents (FCEs) in Physiology courses, in which an average standing of at least A- is maintained, with the following guidelines:
- 0.5 FCE in PSL2000H PhD Seminars in Physiology (Credit/No Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 0.5 FCE in Physiology graduate-only courses
- 0.5 FCE in PSL1066H Research Grant Proposal (Credit/no Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 1.0 FCE with a choice of (i) a Physiology graduate-only course or Physiology joint graduate-undergraduate course (preferable option), or (ii) a course taken in another department (rare choice)**
- Students who transfer from MSc program in Physiology may claim up to 1.0 FCE from the MSc program in Physiology.
** Courses taken in other departments may be counted towards a degree, but only upon approval of the Graduate Coordinator and with no other appropriate courses available in the Department of Physiology. A Course Permission Form with full explanation must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office.
- Courses are selected in consultation with the supervisor and/or supervisory committee.
- Attend and contribute to the departmental seminar program, which is an important part of graduate education and a requirement of the program.
- The recommended completion time for the doctoral program is approximately five years from the start of the MSc, by which time the candidate will write and defend a research thesis, first before a departmental committee and subsequently before a committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
PhD (Direct Entry)
- All students are required to take 2.5 full-credit equivalents (FCEs) in Physiology courses, in which an average standing of at least A- is maintained, with the following guidelines:
- 0.5 FCE in PSL2000H PhD Seminars in Physiology (Credit/No Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 0.5 FCE in Physiology graduate-only courses
- 0.5 FCE in PSL1066H Research Grant Proposal (Credit/no Credit), mandatory for all PhD Students in Physiology
- 1.0 FCE with a choice of (i) a Physiology graduate-only course or Physiology joint graduate-undergraduate course (preferable option), or (ii) a course taken in another department (rare choice)**
** Courses taken in other departments may be counted towards a degree, but only upon approval of the Graduate Coordinator and with no other appropriate courses available in the Department of Physiology. A Course Permission Form with full explanation must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office.
- Courses are selected in consultation with the supervisor and/or supervisory committee.
- Attend and contribute to the departmental seminar program, which is an important part of graduate education and a requirement of the program.
- The recommended completion time for the doctoral program is approximately five years, by which time the candidate will write and defend a research thesis, first before a departmental committee and subsequently before a committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
Research Grant Proposal (CIHR Style)
Research Proposal in CIHR Format - Instructions to Reviewers
Supervisory Committee Meetings & Annual Reports
Final Supervisory Committee Meeting
Deadlines and Thesis Submission