PSL1050H - Advanced Topics: The Hippocampus from Cell to Behaviour

Course Coordinator:

J. Taxidis


Some of the most important advances in neuroscience have resulted from the study of the brain region known as the hippocampus.  This region is critical for navigation and for learning and memory.  It is where Place Cells were discovered by Dostrovsky and O’Keefe and where long-term potentiation (LTP) was discovered by Bliss and Lomo.  This course will introduce and explore the physiology, synaptic activity, neuronal dynamics and function of the hippocampus via a multidisciplinary approach that spans molecules and cells through to systems and behaviour.   The course mainly consists of student presentations of recently published papers on the physiology and function of the hippocampus. Discussions will be led by a series of instructors who are experts in hippocampal research. Through these presentations and discussions, multiple ways of studying the hippocampus will be explored, including electrophysiology, genetics, molecular biology, calcium imaging, behavioural assays and even computational modeling. Topics covered will range from synaptic plasticity and its role in learning (LTP, long-term depression (LTD), and others) to the neural correlates of memory (engram cells, sharp wave ripples, replays) and spatial navigation (place cells, theta oscillations).


Individual Presentation - 30%.  Each student will present two research papers.
Written Report – 40%. Each student will write a description and critique of the two papers.
Paper Discussion – 20%. Each student will lead discussions on two papers.
Class participation – 10%. All students will be required to participate in paper discussions.


Some neuroscience background is necessary.


Course Enrollment is limited to 18 students. Graduate students are invited to enroll in this course on ROSI; final registration approval will be made by the course coordinator.  All students will be notified of their registration status by the Physiology Graduate Office.