I am pleased to provide an update on our progress toward our departmental goal of addressing systemic under-representation of Black and Indigenous faculty and learners in academia that I defined last August in my statement on racism.
As we look to hire several new tenure-track and teaching-stream faculty in 2021 and 2022, our EDI Committee has made faculty recruitment guidelines a priority. The Committee has worked hard to familiarize themselves with institutional policy, observe Physiology’s current practices, research wise practices around job posting, advertising, and interviewing procedures, and has provided a comprehensive set of recommendations that will inform our faculty hiring practices going forward. As a result:
Of course Faculty Hiring is only one component of building a diverse, inclusive, and actively anti-racist departmental culture, and much work remains to be done. The EDI Committee is currently gathering data on the experiences of our graduate students and will define next action steps accordingly. We will continue to report on our plans as they are defined and implemented.
As always, I welcome any questions and feedback via email. Please enjoy the rest of the summer as we look forward to an exciting start to the Fall Term.