- Home
- March 24, 2015
March 24, 2015
- Thank you Dr. Brubaker
- In the News
- Charles H. Best Lecture (April 2)
- Macallum Lecture (May 13) & FIP (May 14)
- Physiology Seminar Series
- Developmental & Perinatal Biology – APPLY NOW
- Summer TA Positions Available
At the last Departmental Meeting held on March 3rd, Dr. Patricia Brubaker was thanked for her long-standing and dedicated service to the Department of Physiology as Associate Chair (1997-2014).
Inscription on plaque,
“With deepest appreciation and in recognition of your outstanding leadership contributions to the administrative and academic mission, as well as the excellence in teaching of the Department of Physiology University of Toronto”.
Anesthetics could have long-term impact on children's brains
The University of Toronto's Professor Beverley Orser and a team of anesthesiology investigators and toxicologists say human trials are needed ...
Endowed by Dr. John K. & Mrs. Mary E. Davidson
Douglas A. Melton, PhD
Harvard University Department of Stem Cell
and Regenerative Biology
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
"Making human beta cells to understand and treat diabetes"
Thursday April 2nd, 2015
4:00 p.m.
Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172
Faculty of Medicine - University of Toronto
Reception to follow in the Physiology Seminar Room (MSB 3231)
Mitchell A. Lazar, MD PhD
Sylvan Eisman Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
University of Pennsylvania
“Thiazolidinediones and the Promise of Insulin Sensitization for Type 2 Diabetes”
Wednesday May 13th, 2015
4:00 pm
JJR MacLeod Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Reception to follow
FIP 2015
Dr. Lazar will also spend Thursday May 14 with us for Physiology’s Annual Research Day, Frontiers in Physiology (FIP). GASP will be calling for abstracts next month.
~ Eligible for PSL1000H/PSL2000H Course Seminar Attendance ~
Speaker: Michael Gollob, MD FRCP(C)
Institution: Research Director, Inherited Arrhythmia and Cardiomyopathy, Research Program Division of Cardiology
UHN Toronto General Hospital, Peter Munk Chair in Cardiovascular Molecular Medicine
Title: “Genetic-based Arrhythmia Syndromes: From Bedside to Cell”
Date: Thursday March 26th, 2015
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172
Host: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Platform
University of Toronto ~ Karolinska Institute
August 16 – 22, 2015 - STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
Apply now to participate in an exciting international one week course!
Cutting edge lectures, seminars, and practical sessions covering:
• Embryology
• Pregnancy
• Respiratory/Cardiovascular System Development
• Neurobiology and Development
• Developmental Programming
This course is open to all University of Toronto trainees!
Application Deadline: April 27th, 2015
N O T E: Graduate students can receive a full university credit by registering in PSL1080H!
PSL1080H course space is limited. Interested students must apply to the attention of Professor Brian Cox at by Deadline: April 27th, 2015.
PSL1080H course dates: June 25th to August 6, 2015
More information available at:
Application Deadline: Friday, April 10, 2015
1 TA position available from April 20 – July 20, 2015:
SCS2159: Basic Human Physiology (Course Description)
1 Position: 70 hours. Estimated course enrollment - 80
An introductory physiology course for students in the functioning of the human body intended for students who have an interest in or a need for a basic course in Human Physiology. This course consists of weekly on-line lectures and an active learning component that incorporates laboratory simulations that students have purchased with the textbook. A Strong physiology background is required, with an awareness of objectives and basic physiology, to the satisfaction of the course director. Contact hours will consist of weekly virtual office hours and daily monitoring of the discussion board.
3 TA positions available from May 11 – August 14, 2015
(For combined assistance with courses PSL300H/301H)
PSL300H: Human Physiology (Arts and Science students)
3 positions: 32 hours. Estimated course enrolment – 400
The first of a two course sequence designed to provide general coverage of all major areas of human physiology. PSL300H covers neurophysiology and the endocrine and reproductive systems. This course is intended for students proceeding to a specialist or major degree in physiology, or for those specializing in other disciplines, which require a thorough grounding in physiological principals. The course includes tutorials after each major topic to reinforce the lecture material. Strong physiological background is required. Teaching Assistants must be aware of objectives and basic physiology to the satisfaction of the course director.
PSL301H: Human Physiology II (Arts and Science Students)
3 positions: 32 hours. Estimated course enrolment - 400
The second component of a two course sequence designed to provide general coverage of all major areas of human physiology. PSL301H covers the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, blood/immune and gastrointestinal systems. This course is intended for students proceeding to a specialist or major degree in physiology, or for those specializing in other disciplines, which require a thorough grounding in physiological principles. The course includes tutorials after each major topic to reinforce the lecture. material. Strong physiological background is required. Teaching assistants must be aware of objectives and basic physiology to the satisfaction of the course director.
To Apply: TA Application Form:
Applications must include a completed TA Application Form & Current C.V. (2 page minimum for CV) submitted to or hand delivered to Medical Sciences Building, Room 3209
**All Application Deadlines: Friday, April 10, 2015 **
Jobs are posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 collective agreement.
We want to hear about the great things happening in Physiology! Please share your accomplishments, awards….
Send news items to the Chair’s Office c/o