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- January 9, 2015
January 9, 2015
- Message from the Chair
- Best Lecture 2015
- Physiology Seminar Series
- BRAIN Platform Day – January 20th
- Graduate Student/PDF positions
Happy New Year to everyone in the Department and very best wishes for 2015. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you once again for your many contributions to the success of Physiology in 2014. 2015 promises to be a busy and exciting year as we welcome our new Chair, Professor Graham Collingridge. We look forward to Professor Collingridge’s arrival on May 1st and helping him advance Physiology’s strategic priorities and partnerships.
Steffen-Sebastian Bolz, MD, PhD, Interim Chair
Charles H. Best Lectureship and Award
Endowed by Dr. John K. and Mary E. Davidson
Please mark your calendars!
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Douglas A. Melton, Harvard University, Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is the 2015 Best lecturer.
Dr. Melton will deliver the CH Best Lecture on Thursday April 2nd, 2015 (4 pm, MSB 2172).
~ Eligible for PSL1000/2000 Course Seminar Attendance ~
Speaker: Dr. Paul Dorian , MD
Institution: Director, Division of Cardiology, University of Toronto, St Michael's Hospital
Title: TBA
Date: Thursday, January 15th, 2015
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172
Host: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Platform
Speaker: Yoel Sadovski, MD
Institution: Director, Magee Women’s Research Institute Elsie Hilliard Hillman Chair of Women’s Health Research Professor of OBGYN, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and CTSI Vice Chair (research), Department of OBGYN and Reproductive Sciences University of Pittsburgh
Title: TBA
Date: Thursday, January 29th, 2015
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172
Host: Reproduction and Development Platform
BRAIN PLATFORM DAY – January 20, 2015
Reminder - Completed abstract submission deadline is Monday, January 12, 2015. Please email submission to
Do not miss this opportunity to showcase your research progress and accomplishments by means of poster and oral presentations.
Location: Event Room 2a/b (Orals) and Gallery (Posters), 2nd Floor (Free Access), SickKids Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, 686 Bay Street, Toronto.
Please note that this event is compulsory for all BRAIN trainees and the awards will count towards future applications for scholarships.
The length should be no more than 300 words excluding title, authors and affiliation.
All presentations will be judged and the following components will be evaluated
1. Rationale and clarity of the problem,
2. Presentation of the Methods and Results,
3. Conclusions and importance of the research.
Eligibility: Participation is restricted to Physiology graduate students and, to undergrads and postdocs supervised by the Physiology-appointed PIs belonging to BRAIN platform.
Laboratory of Cellular And Molecular Neuroscience
Two CIHR‐funded positions are available immediately for enthusiastic graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows with a keen interest in using electrophysiology and imagingtechniques to study ligand‐gated ion‐channels and their role in neuronal circuit behavior. The first project will focus on an ongoing theme to understand the structure‐function properties of ionotropic glutamate receptors. The successful applicant will use singlechannel and macroscopic patch clamp techniques to tease apart the mechanism of channel activation in wildtype and mutant receptors. This work will be part of a multilab collaboration with researchers using computational chemistry and structural biology. The second project will examine the signaling defects associated with Fragile X syndrome, a prominent neurodevelopmental disorder. The successful applicant will study neuronal circuit connectivity using single and multi‐electrode recordings from acutely isolated brain tissue. Imaging and functional experiments will be collected simultaneously using a multiphoton microscope equipped with an electrophysiology rig.
Applicants should send a cover letter, cv and the names of 2‐3 referees to: Dr. Derek Bowie, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, McGill University, Faculty of Medicine, 3649 Promenade Sir‐William Osler, Rm 164, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3G 0B1
We want to hear about the great things happening in Physiology! Please share your accomplishments, awards….
Send news items to the Chair’s Office c/o