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- January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
- Message from the Chair
- Honours & Awards
- Physiology Seminar Series
- BRAIN Day 2016
- Scientific Symposium May 2016 (Pre-CAN)

The strength of the department is based on its excellence in teaching, research and innovation. Recently our teaching excellence has been acknowledged by two prestigious awards to Drs. Brubaker and Cox for their exceptional contributions to graduate teaching, supervision and innovative teaching (full details below). Outstanding work!
Best wishes.
Graham L. Collingridge, FRS, FMedSci, FRSB, FBPhS
Ernest B. and Leonard B. Smith Chair
Department of Physiology
Congratulations to Dr. Patricia Brubaker on being awarded a 2015-16 Faculty of Medicine Graduate Teaching Award for Sustained Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship. Pat will receive the award at Faculty of Medicine Education Achievement Celebration on May 11, 2016.
Congratulations to Dr. Brian Cox on being awarded a 2015-16 Faculty of Medicine Graduate Teaching Award for Early Career Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship. Brian will receive the award at Faculty of Medicine Education Achievement Celebration on May 11, 2016.
Congratulations to Professor Herbert Gaisano on being appointed to the Order of Ontario. Herbert was recognized for his dedicated work in the fight against diabetes by exploring the complexities of this pervasive illness and advancement of new treatment strategies. Full details
~ Eligible for PSL1000H/PSL2000H Course Seminar Attendance ~
Speaker: Phyllis Billia, PhD, MD, FRCPC
Institution: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, U of T, Associate Staff, Cardiology, Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto General Research Institute (TGRI)
Title: Tumor suppressors in cardiac tissue homeostasis
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172, St. George Campus, University of Toronto
Host: Cardiovascular & Respiratory Platform
~ Eligible for PSL1000H/PSL2000H Course Seminar Attendance ~
Speaker: Professor Noelia Weisstaub
Institution: Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title: "Serotonergic modulation of the prefrontal cortex during retrieval of recognition memory in rats."
Date: Tuesday February 2, 2016
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: Physiology Seminar Room, Medical Sciences Building, Room 3231, St. George Campus, University of Toronto
Host: Neuroscience Platform
The Neuroscience Platform of the Department of Physiology is delighted to present BRAIN DAY 2016 on Thursday March 3rd, 2016.
Abstract submission Deadline: February 26th to Please see poster below for all the details.
SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM – May 28 & 29, 2016
The University of Toronto Physiology Department is staging an exciting scientific symposium to celebrate the 10th anniversary of CAN meeting on May 28 (1-5 PM) & 29 (9AM-1PM), 2016 in the MacLeod Auditorium and Naylor Lobby (former Stone Lobby) of the Medical Science Building on campus, which is officially a satellite meeting (
This symposium will bring together outstanding faculty and trainees associated with the Dept currently or in the past to highlight glorious accomplishments in the past 25 years and prospective outlooks of the future; to honor several senior neuroscientists who have made tremendous contributions to the field and commemorate the late John F. MacDonald and Hubert van Tol; and most importantly, to discuss emerging horizons of new areas, ranging from fundamental mechanisms of synaptic transmission, plasticity and behavior to stem cells therapy and translational medicine to treat stroke, pain and other neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Co-organizers: Lu-Yang Wang, Graham Collingridge & Mike Salter
1. Graham Collingridge (UofT & LTRI, Mount Sinai)
2. Jason Snyder (UBC)
3. Bev Orser (UofT)
4. Jeff Dason (UTM)
5. Peter Carlen (UofT & TWRI)
6. Bill Hutchinson (UofT & TWRI)
7. Bryan Stewart (UTM)
8. Gabrielle Boulianne (UofT& SickKids)
9. Freda Miller (UofT & SickKids) (To be confirmed)
10. Yu-Tian Wang (UBC)
11. Richard Robitalle (UMontreal)
12. Sheena Josselyn (UofT & SickKids)
13. Min Zhuo (UofT)
14. Mike Tymianski (UofT & TWRI)
15. Zhengping Jia (UofT & SickKids)
16. Mike Salter (UofT & SickKids)
Confirmed Participants:
Jonathan Dostrovsky (Past CAN President & Organizer for the 1st CAN meeting in Toronto)
Harold Atwood
Milton Charlton
Peter Pennefather
Bill Trimble
David Hampson
To be confirmed:
John Roder
John O'Keefe
Please see link for registration details.
We sincerely invite CAN delegates to join us for a science party in Toronto just one day before the CAN meeting officially starts.
We want to hear about the great things happening in Physiology. Please share your accomplishments, awards…. Send news items to the Chair’s Office c/o