Casual Staffing Request Form

Indicates required field


Casual staff at the University are part of the United Steelworkers, Casuals Unit, Local 1998 and are covered under the USW Casual Collective Agreement. The Department of Physiology is committed to assisting supervisors in fulfilling their casual staffing requirements in a way that reduces their exposure to risk and ensures equitable hiring practices. To ensure full compliance with USW and University guidelines governing these types of appointments, the Department has implemented a procedure for casual staff recruitment. If you are planning on recruiting casual staff (research assistants, summer students, administrative asistants) please complete the following form. Once submitted, a copy of the form will automatically be forwarded to the Physiology Business Office for review. You will be contacted by Paula Smellie (Business Manager, Physiology) regarding your request and any next steps required to complete the recruitment process. Please do not extend a written offer of casual employment to an individual until you have been contacted by Paula.

Supervisor Information

Casual Recruit Information

You may leave these fields blank if you have not yet identified a potential recruit for this position.
If the individual already has a position(s) at the University, please select the position(s) from the list below.
If 'Other' selected above, please describe the position in the space provided below.

Position Information


Is this a new position or a request to extend an existing position?*
*Please note that all requests to extend exisiting casual contracts must be justified. If the casual employee is working more than 21.75 hours per week (ie. greater than 60% FTE), the position will automatically convert to a staff appointed position after 18 months of continous work. If the employee is working more than 14.5 hours per week (greater than 40% FTE), up to a maximum of 21.75 hours per week, the position will automatically convert to a staff appointed position after 24 months of continuous work. If this is an extension request, please provide a detailed explanation below.
Contracts for all casual staff must be LESS than 6 months in length, unless the proposed work schedule is not more than 14.5 hours per week or the employee is also registered in a full-time degree program at the University. If the position is required for 6 or more months, the position should be posted as an USW staff appointed term position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please indicate the proposed weekly work schedule by entering the number of hours to be worked each day. If no hours are to be worked on a given day, please enter '0' in the field for that day. A regular full-time work day is 7.25 hours.
Please provide a detailed description of the work to be done by the casual employee.
*The current minimum hourly wage for casuals is $19 (effective July 1, 2024). Effective July 1, 2025, the rate will increase to $20. However, casual staff who are doing work that would normally be done by a staff appointed employee must be paid an hourly wage that is consistent with the most current USW salary grid. For example, if the employee is doing the work of a Lab Tech II, they must be paid AT LEAST the minimum rate paid to a staff appointed Lab Tech II. If the employee is doing the work of a Lab Tech or other appointed staff position, please contact me at for the current USW pay rates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the box below, please provide any additional comments that would be useful in processing this request.
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