Check here for Information about formatting and technical requirements for setting up your thesis and to print the forms that are required to be submitted with your final thesis. When you finish writing, you will have the final supervisory committee meeting. All members of your supervisory committee should be given a copy of your thesis two to three weeks in advance of this meeting. This committee will complete the regular Supervisory Committee Meeting Report, specifically stating that the thesis is ready to go on to defense. For the MSc thesis defense, you and your supervisor will organize the members of your examination committee. You should allow two to three weeks for the examination committee members to read your thesis prior to the defense. Forward the completed Arrangements for MSc Thesis Defense form to the Physiology Office at least two weeks before your exam for the Graduate Coordinator's approval. To request a meeting room for the defense in the Medical Sciences Building, contact the Physiology Graduate Office. After the defense, allow a week or two to incorporate corrections/modifications to your thesis as recommended by your examination committee. Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Submission