Tianru Jin

Research Synopsis
Research Divisions: Endocrine and Diabetes Platform
Research Interests:
1) Understanding cell type specific gene transcription.
2) Mechanisms underlying the production and function and the incretin hormone GLP-1.
3) Role of Wnt signaling pathway in metabolic homeostasis.
Keywords: Wnt, cAMP, PKA, diabetes, glucagon, GLP-1, TCF7L2, Transgenic mice, Epac, beta-catenin, Insulin Insulin resistance, Molecular biology, Oxidative stress, Proglucagon-derived peptides, Transcription
Detailed Description:
This research lab is supported by CIHR, CDA and BBDC in examining role of signaling molecules (including Wnt molecules, insulin, and cAMP) and transcription factors in regulating the expression of the proglucagongene (gcg), and the synthesis and secretion of gcg-encoded peptide hormones.. The lab is also interested in exploring the role of Wnt signaling pathway in mediating the function of the incretin hormone GLP-1, and the overall role of Wnt signaling in metabolic homeostasis.
Cell and tissue culture: Pancreas cells.
Procedures: Adenovirus, gene expression analysis, mass spectrometry, microarrays, proteomics, qRT-PCR, RIA, RT-PCR, signal transduction characterization, siRNA, western blot.
benchtop centrifuge, culture hood, culture incubators, gel apparatus, microwave oven.
Alex Chiang, Ph.D.
Wilfred Ip, Ph.D.
Within the Department of Physiology
Herbert Gaisano
Michael Wheeler
Qinghua Wang
Outside of the Department of Physiology
Jonathan Chernor, Fox Chase Cancer Centre/ USA
Weihua Ling, Sun Yat-University/P. R. China
Committee member/officer of national/international scientific organizations
Editorial Board Member: Am. J. Physiology (Endocrinology/Metabolism)
Academic Editor: Plos One.
Editor: Frontiers in Endocrinology