Nohjin Kee
MSc, PhD

• MRS161H - Online anatomy course for Medical Radiation Science Program at the Michener Institute (organizer)
• MRS162H - Online physiology course for Medical Radiation Science Program at the Michener Institute (director, organizer and lecturer)
• PAP113H - Online physiology course for Physician Assistant degree professional program (director, organizer and lecturer)
• PSL200Y & PSL201Y - Basic human physiology (director and lecturer)
• PSL205H - Online physiology course for Pharmacy (director, organizer and lecturer)
• PSL300H & PSL301H - Human physiology (director, organizer, and lecturer)
• PSL372H - Human physiology lab (director, organizer and lecturer)
• PSL374H - Advanced human physiology lab (co-director and co-organizer)
• SCS2159 - Online human physiology course (director, organizer and lecturer)
Recent Publications
• Perumalla C, Kee N, Andreopoulos R and Patterson S. (2016) Impact of eLearning: Looking past the hype. The impact of two Life Science courses on global learners. LIHE 2016 Curriculum Design in Higher Education, Copenhagen - Book Chapter (Chapter 24: E-learning)
• Sarkis D, Kee N and Perumalla C. (2014) What we learned from distance and on-campus e-learners. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education Vol. 2014, No. 1 (Oct 20, 2014) p. 1763
• Kee N, Sarkis D, Perumalla C. (2014) Engaging Local and Global Learners in an e-Learning Environment - University of Toronto Experiences. International Conference on e-Learning, Valparaiso, Chile.
• Sarkis D, Kee N, Perumalla C. (2013) Fully Online or Blended Courses: does it make a difference for the learner? International Journal of Information Technology Computer Science 2013 Dec; 12(4): 1-6.
• Perumalla C, Mak J, Kee N and Matthews S. (2011) Integrating web applications to provide an effective distance online learning environment for students. Procedia Computer Science. Volume 3, 2011, Pages 770-784.
• Kee N, Teixeira C, Frankland PW. (2008) Imaging activation of adult-generated granule cells in spatial memory. Nature Protocols. 2(12):3033-44.
• Kee N, Teixeira C, Wang A and Frankland PW. (2007) Preferential incorporation of adult-generated granule cells into spatial memory networks in the dentate gyrus. Nature Neuroscience. 10(3):355-62.
• Wojtowicz JM and Kee N. (2006) BrdU assay for neurogenesis in rodents. Nature Protocols. 1(3):1399-405.
• Teixeira C, Pomedli S, Maei H, Kee N and Frankland PW. (2006) Involvement of the anterior cingular cortex in expression of remote spatial memory. J Neuroci. 26:7555-7564.
• Wang S, Kee N, Wojtowicz JM. (2005) Electrophysiological correlates of neural plasticity compensating for ischemia-induced damage in the hippocampus. Exp Brain Res. 165(2):250-260.
• Kee N, Sivalingam S, Boonstra R, Wojtowicz JM. (2002) The utility of Ki-67 and BrdU as proliferative markers of adult neurogenesis. J Neurosci Methods. 30;115(1):97-105.
• Kee N, Preston E, Wojtowicz JM. (2001) Enhanced neurogenesis after transient global ischemia in the dentate gyrus of the rat. Exp Brain Res. 136(3):313-320.
• Snyder JS, Kee N, Wojtowicz JM. (2001) Effects of adult neurogenesis on synaptic plasticity in the rat dentate gyrus. J Neurophysiol. 85(6):2423-2431.
• Kee N & French M. (2023) Use of artificial intelligence-embedded discussion boards: a proof of concept. Advances in Physiology Education.
• Kee N & Perumalla C. (2023). The Impact of Online Transition on Student Performance: An Analysis of Human Physiology Course (PSL300) at the University of Toronto Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education. Helsinki, Finland.
• Kee N & Perumalla C. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Performance in an Online Basic Human Physiology Course. 7th International Conference on Education and Distance Learning. Paris, France.
• Kee N, Matthews SG, Perumalla C. (2018). Comparison of Performance and Satisfaction Between Two Distinct Groups of Learners in Online Course(s). ICKET2018, Edinburgh, Scotland.
• Kee N & Perumalla C. (2017) Does online course success depend on when you take the course? IICE 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
• Perumalla C & Kee N. (2017) The impact of a virtual for online learners in an eLearning environment. International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning, Vienna, Austria.
• French M and Kee N. (2013) Lessons learned from the development and evaluation of integrative animations in physiology. 12th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2013, Sophia Antipolis, France.
• Kee N, Palmer C, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2013) A Successful Story of a Robust and Innovative Physiology Online Course in an Evolving E‐Learning Environment. 2013 International Conference on E-Learning, Cape Town, South Africa.
• Kee N, Mak J, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2012) Contrasting student experiences and achievement between online distance and online on-campus physiology courses. International Conference on E-learning, Hong Kong.
• Patterson S, Andreopoulosa S, Baker R, Reithmeiera R, Wiley M, Matthews S, Perumalla C, Kee N, Schreiber M, Hanson M. (2012) A preparatory on-line basic biomedical sciences course for incoming medical students. CTSI Teaching Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
• Kee N and French M. (2012) Development of interactive animations of key physiological processes to enhance student competency. Education Development Fund for Innovation in Education, Toronto, Canada.
• Palmer C, Davies J and Kee N. (2012) Is there an App for that? International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) and the 70th Annual General Conference of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT).
• Perumalla C, Kee N and Matthews S. (2011) Experiences from online learning environment in maximizing student retention and enhancing their educational experience. McGraw Hill Educational Conference, Newfoundland, Canada.
• Kee N, Palmer C, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2011) Efficacy of online learning - comparison between online and on-campus physiology students' experience. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Saskatchewan, Canada.
• Mak J, Kee N, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2011) Peer collaboration in online environment is key to stimulating learning, motivating and student performance in higher education. Proceedings of The Hawaii Educational Conference, Honolulu, USA.
• Palmer C, Perumalla C, Mak J, Kee N and Matthews S. (2010) Effectiveness of online education and learning support for medical radiation science students. Proceedings of the European eLearning Conference, Porto, Portugal.
• Perumalla C, Mak J, Kee N and Matthews S. (2010) Integrating web applications to provide an effective distance online learning environment for students. Proceedings of the World Information Technology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
• Perumalla C, Kee N and Matthews S. (2010) Educating the “Net Generation”: Experiences from online physiology course. Proceedings of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, Denver, USA.
• Kee N, Palmer C, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2010) Online human physiology course for the medical radiation sciences program. 2nd annual what really works conference, Health Education Technology Research Unit, Toronto, Canada.
• Kee N, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2009) Lessons learned from online human physiology course. International Conference on E-Learning, Toronto, Canada
• Kee N, Palmer C, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2009) Transitioning into an online human physiology course in the medical radiation sciences program. Society for teaching and learning in higher education conference, New Brunswick, Canada.
• Kee N, Matthews S and Perumalla C. (2009) Educating the “Net Generation”: Experiences from an online physiology course. Instructional technology seminar, Toronto, Canada.
• Martinez-Canabal A, Kee N, Choi J and Frankland PW (2009) Mature adult-born neurons are incorporated into memory circuits in function of their availability. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Martinez A, Choi J and Frankland PW. (2008) Does functional integration of adult-generated neurons depend on their availability? Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Sakaguchi M, Kee N, Kang R, Arruda M and Frankland PW (2008) Colocalization of Arc and c-Fos in hippocampal neurons after contextual fear memory formation. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Teixeira C, Wang A and Frankland PW. (2007) Preferential incorporation of adult-generated granule cells into spatial memory networks in the dentate gyrus. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Yoon T, Su J, Feng ZP (2004) Interference of associative learning in lymnaeastagnalis. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Hui K, Guo Y, Kee N, Feng ZP (2004) Menthol activated TRPM8: A pathway for Ca or K? Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Wang S, Kee N, Preston E, Wojtowicz JM. (2003) Electrophysiological correlates of neural plasticity compensating for ischemia-induced damage in the hippocampus. Annual Brain Research Symposium: Neurogenomics of Mice and Man, Montreal, Canada.
• Wang S, Kee N, Preston E, Wojtowicz JM. (2002) Contribution of adult neurogenesis to functional recovery of dentate gyrus after ischemia. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Sivalingam S, Boonstra R, Wojtowicz JM. (2001) The utility of Ki-67 and BrdU as proliferative markers of adult neurogenesis. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Preston E, Wojtowicz. (2000) Enhanced Neurogenesis after transient global ischemia may offer opportunity for functional recovery in the injured brain. Society for Neuroscience, USA.
• Kee N, Preston E, Wojtowicz. (2000) Ischemic injury and adult neurogenesis. International meeting on adult neurogenesis, Toronto, Canada.
Honours and Awards
• 2020: Excellence in Undergraduate Laboratory Teaching in Life Sciences Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2016: Excellence in Teaching Award for Large Classroom, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2014: Excellence in Undergraduate Life Sciences Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2013: W. T. Aikins Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2012: Robert Goode New Faculty Award, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2012: Excellence in Teaching Award for Large Classroom, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2011: Innovative Course Design Award and Excellence in Teaching Performance Award, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• 2008: Excellence in Teaching Award for Large Classroom, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.