Neil Sweezey

Research Synopsis
Keywords: Lung development; sex hormones; glucocorticoid receptor; epithelial sodium channel; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; novel genes; cystic fibrosis gender gap; estrogen; transgenic mice; epithelial cells; mesenchymal cells, animal models, development, steroids.
Detailed Description:
Our first project evaluates the modulation by sex hormones of inflammation and susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways in humans and in CF mouse models. The second project investigates the impact on longterm respiratory risk of developmental deficiency of Lgl1. LGL1 is a novel, secreted glucocorticoid-inducible, highly conserved gene that we have, with F Kaplan, (McGill), cloned and characterized in late gestation rat lung.
Unfortunately, in the present funding environment my applications for renewal of my research funding as Principal Investigator have failed in competition. My bench (wet-lab) research activities as PI will have to be shut down in the coming months of 2014. My share of continuing funding as co-PI of a CIHR operating grant until 2016 is insufficient to sustain the laboratory. My superb Research Assistant of the last 21 years at McGill and SickKids, Stéphane Gagnon, MSc., needs to find ongoing full-time employment and is available effective immediately. I will continue as an Attending Physician in Respiratory Medicine at SickKids and plan to participate in patient-based studies.
Cell and tissue culture: Lung and epithelial and mesenchymal.
Procedures: Electrophysiology, Elisa, gene expression analysis, immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, microarrays, qRT-PCR, western blot.
Amplifier, analytical balances, benchtop centrifuge, blotting apparatus, culture hood, dissecting microscope, electrophysiology rig, fresh tissue sectioning systems, low- and high-speed centrifuge, low and ultralow freezers, microwave oven, real-time/thermocycler, setups for electropherosis, water baths.
Within the Department of Physiology:
Martin Post
Outside the Department of Physiology:
Feige Kaplan, Human Genetics/McGill
Felix Ratjen, Paediatrics/Toronto
Hartmut Grasemann, Paediatrics/Toronto
Rahul Kushwah, Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute / McMaster
Committee member/Officer of national or international scientific organization:
Medical Scientific Advisory Committee, Cystic Fibrosis Canada