Howard Mount

Research Synopsis
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, Animal Models, ataxia telangiectasia, biogenic amines, Brain, CNS, cortex, emotion, energy homeostasis, fear, hippocampus, learning, memory, motor behaviour, neuropharmacology, pain, Parkinson’s disease, signal transduction, stress.
Cell and tissue cultures: primary neuronal culture (cerebellar Purkinje cells, granule cells, cortical neurons, ventral mesencephalic neurons) Procedures: Behavioural tests, Elisa, HPLC, Immunocytochemistry, Western blot.
Analytical balances, benchtop centrifuge, blotting apparatus, culture hood, culture incubators, dissecting microscope, fluorescence microscope, gel apparatus, HPLC (Dionex HPLC-UV &HPLC-EC systems), infusion apparatus, microwave oven (Muromachi Brain Fixation System: 10; KWatt microwave with mouse applicator), plate reader, real-time/Thermocycler, setups for eletropherosis, stirrer/hot plate, water baths.
Keith Ho
Richard Bazinet, Dept. Nutrition & Food Science, Univ Toronto
Margaret Fahnestock, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, Canada
Kevin Kain, Dept. Medicine, Univ Toronto
Jean Mariani, Inst. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
JoAnne McLaurin , Dept. Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Univ Toronto
Janice Robertson, Dept. Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Univ Toronto
Brian Robinson, Dept. Biochemistry, Univ Toronto
Gerold Schmitt-Ulms, Dept. Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Univ Toronto
Lena Serghides, McGlaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, Univ Toronto
Anurag Tandon, Dept. Medicine, Univ Toronto
Committee member of national/international scientific organization
Associate Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Research