Sep 12, 2024  |  4:00pm - 5:00pm
Physiology Seminar Series

Dr. Mark Brandon: "Neural mechanisms of spatial cognition"

~ Eligible for PSL1000H/PSL2000H/PSL4000Y Course Seminar Attendance ~    

Speaker: Dr. Mark Brandon

Researcher, Douglas Research Centre;
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry;
McGill University

Dr. Brandon got his PhD in 2011 under the supervision of Michael Hasselmo. He did his postdoc with Dr. Stefan Leutgeb at UCSD. He started at McGill in 2015. Dr. Brandon’s work is organized into three core themes: (1) deciphering the neural code of head direction and spatial location, (2) computational insights into hippocampal function for memory and behavior, and (3) investigating early Alzheimer’s effects on spatial memory networks.


Location:  MSB 2170 (in-person only)


Hosted by the Taxidis Lab