Campus Community Police

Toronto is a big city and you are in the heart of it. The University is a safe place to be when compared to the surrounding neighborhoods. Since we are an open university, and part of the city of a large urban community, it is important to take some precautions to keep you safe. While living in residence you can keep yourself and others safe by:

  • Not allowing strangers into your residence building. Don't hold the door for someone you don't know, if they are supposed to be there they will have a key.
  • Don't admit strangers to your room or common areas. Report suspicious persons to Campus Community Police 416-978-2222
  • Don't leave your room unlocked when you are sleeping. It is a good idea to lock your door even when you are awake. Always lock your door when going out (even if it is only down the hall).

Campus Police and Community Safety offer the following programs:

  • Walk Smart service: Between the hours of 7pm and midnight Monday through Friday two trained staff (male and female) can walk you anywhere on campus or to the nearest bus or subway stop. Call 416 978-7233 (SAFE) to book your walk. This service is available to mobility impaired persons through Accessibility Services.
  • Work Alone Program: if you are working alone at night, call Campus Police and they will check in on you as you are working. When you call to register provide your name, exact location and telephone number. Call 416 978-2323 if you are interested.
  • Blue light emergency phones are located throughout the external campus and in parking garages and lots. They are connected directly to Campus Police.
  • Remember safety is strengthened by being Alert, Aware, and Assertive. For further safety tips on and off campus, living in residence, parking lot safety, and emergency services; check out the Community Safety Office website