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Department Organization & Committees
Chair’s Executive Committee
Mandate: To provide advice and consultation for the Chair with regard to strategic planning as well as the day-to-day functioning of the Department
Membership: Chair: S. Heximer, S-S Bolz, Z.P. Feng, M. French (Vice-Chair, Academic - Undergraduate), A. Gramolini, R. Horner (Vice-Chair, Research), A. Jurisicova, Raina Ladha (GASP President), S.G. Matthews, H. Miliotis, P. Smellie, S. Prescott, L-Y Wang (Vice-Chair, Academic - Graduate), M. Wheeler
Chair's Strategic Group
Membership: Chair: S. Heximer, M. French, R. Horner, S. Matthews, B. Orser, M. Wheeler
Research, Innovations and Space Committee (RISC)
Mandate: To plan and implement research opportunities and research partnerships for the Department. Oversight of Departmental Research Platforms. Overall and integrated considerations of physical resources (e.g. space and research infrastructure). To advise on nomination of faculty for research awards.
Membership: Chair: R. Horner (Vice-Chair, Research), S.-S. Bolz, A. Jurisicova, L-Y Wang, Z.P. Jia, S. Lye, M. Wheeler, S. Matthews, M. Salter.
Appointments & Promotions Committee
Mandate: To adjudicate all applications for appointments, promotion within the Department. To regularly review cross-appointments and to oversee the annual process of evaluating the performance of individual members of the Department.
Membership: Chair: S. Heximer, D. Belsham, S. Matthews, M. Salter, M. Wheeler
Promotions Subcommittee: Annual Activity Assessment Committee (PTR)
Membership: Chair: S. Matthews, C. Bear, D. Belsham (sabbatical until June 30, 2023), P. Brubaker, Z.P. Feng, M. French, A. Giacca, A. Gramolini, E. Lambe, C. Nostro, S. Sugita, M. Wheeler
Workload Committee
Mandate : To develop a Workload Policy with respect to teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses for the Department of Physiology, as mandated by the University of Toronto.
Membership: Chair: TBA, J. Eubanks, R. Horner, E. Lambe, S. Matthews, N. Kee, S. Heximer (ex-officio)
Insulin 100th Anniversary Physiology Steering Committee
Membership: Chair: P. Brubaker (retired), D. Belsham, C. Nostro, M. Wheeler, S. Heximer (ex officio)
Undergraduate Oversight Committee
Mandate: To ensure that our undergraduates receive excellent training in physiology and that they are optimally prepared for their future studies and careers.
Membership: Chair: M. French (Vice-Chair, Academic - Undergraduate), B. Cox, A. Jursicova, N. Kee, T. Gramolini, H. Miliotis, S. Sugita, L. Wang/Z-P Feng, S-S Bolz, Jay Bhat (Admin Staff), Emily Fu (Undergrad Student), Yeasmin Begum (Undergrad Student).
Postgraduate Education and Training Oversight Committee
Membership: Chair: L-Y Wang (Vice-Chair, Academic - Graduate), S-S Bolz, Z.P. Feng, A. Gramolini, S. Prescott, A. Jurisicova, H. Mount, M. Wheeler, B. Cox, M. French, H. Miliotis, G. Collingridge, Rosalie Pang (Admin Staff), Post-Doctoral Fellow Rep, GASP President
Graduate Studies Committee
Mandate: To administer Graduate Admissions selection process. To consider and advise policy around the Graduate Program of the Department.
Membership: Chair: Z-P Feng, B. Cox, E. Hay, Z. Jia, D. Kadis, E. Lambe, O. Shynlova, S. Sugita, H. Sun
Graduate Academic Committee
Mandate: To oversee all academic aspects of thesis based graduate programs, including monitoring of graduate courses and evaluation of new course proposals.
Membership: Chair: A. Gramolini, T. Brown, D. Tweed, R. Horner, F. Skinner, GASP President and Rosalie Pang (Graduate Administrator)
Graduate Student Appeals Committee
Mandate: To consider formal appeals from graduate students under the relevant guidelines of the School of Graduate Studies
Membership: Chair: J. Duffin. Z.P. Feng, R. Horner, M. Wheeler and GASP representative
International Research and Education Collaborations Committee
Mandate: To strengthen international collaborations and begin to develop new and innovative linkages.
Membership: Chair: S. Matthews, S.-S. Bolz, S. Lye, C. Nostro, M. Zhuo
MHSc Advisory and Admissions Committee
Mandate: To guide and advise on the growth and sustaining excellence of the Professional Masters Program of the Department
Membership: Chair: H. Miliotis, D. Belsham, B. Cox , J. Gillis, A. Gramolini, C. Wittnich, L. Wang , B. Sessle, P. Monnier, N. Goldenberg
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Committee
Membership: Co-Chairs: B. Cox, & S. Prescott, A. Gramolini, E. Hay, F. Skinner, S. Tripathy, D. Tweed
EDI Committee
Mandate: To develop departmental initiatives for implementing EDI principles and addressing EDI-pertinent issues such as anti-Black racism.
Main Committee - co-Chairs: B. Cox and P. Smellie; Yasaman Aghazadeh, Adria Giacca, Helen Miliotis, Jinrong Min, Julia Tausch (Admin Staff)
Graduate Student Committee: Julia Bandura, Michael Dewar, Megan Drupals, Elizabeth Eng, Meredith Foley, Elisabeth Grande (GASP President), Alicia Harracksingh, Shahin Khodaei, Nastasia Kujbid, Connor Mabbott, Neil Merovitch, Sungmo Park, Michal Syonov, Prashanth Velayudhan, Aylin Visra
Student Led Committees
Graduate Association of Students in Physiology Executive (GASP)
Mandate: The Graduate Association of Students in Physiology is an elected group of graduate students from the Department of Physiology. Our responsibility is primarily to enhance the experience of students in the Physiology Graduate Program, and to encourage interactions between graduate students and with faculty members, whether it is through social events or academic activities like the annual Frontiers in Physiology Research Symposium.
Raina Ladha – President (Horner lab)
Vice Presidents: Radu Gugustea (Jia lab), Alicia Gibbs (Zhang lab), Delphine Ji (Sun lab)
Admin Advisor: Raphael Chan (Wang lab)
Financial Advisor Rayan Saghian (Wang lab)