PSL432H1S - Theoretical Physiology

Tuesdays - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Coordinator:  Dr. D. Tweed

Description:  The content of the course changes from year to year, but is always a selection from mathematical topics in neurophysiology. Second-year calculus is mandatory. It would also be useful to have some familiarity with ordinary differential equations, introductory mathematical statistics, and programming, particularly in Matlab.

Pre-requisites: MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/MAT257Y/MAT267H1; APM346H1/MAT244H1

Recommended Preparation: PHY200-series; PSL201Y/300H1/302Y1/(BIO270H1, BIO271H1)

Evaluation:  Marks are usually based on 3 problem sets.

Format: Lectures will be given on Tuesday, 2 – 4

'AE' indicator courses require approval by the department.  You should request AE courses on the SWS (ROSI) during your enrolment period - you will receive an "interim" status.  The department reviews the interim list and determines which students qualify.  For approval, the Department will consider your subject post, cGPA, GPA, courses, and pre-requisites. By August 2nd your status in the course on SWS: will be either APP (approved) or REF (refused).  If your status remains INT (interim), the department has not yet approved your enrolment.  If you are approved no further action is required.  If you wish to enrol in the course or be placed on our waiting list after July 24, please send an email to with your request (please include your student number).